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No. Subject Author Date Viewed
9 “Indigenous Science Technology and the Medical Humanities” Conference hk2022 2024-06-04 25
8 The 3rd Graduate Student Joint Seminar (Kyung Hee University and Binghamton University) hk2022 2024-05-22 5
7 Artificial Intelligence in the Future of Healthcare (11th Prometheus Colloquium) hk2022 2024-05-22 6
6 Walking as Grounding: A Cultural and Technical Study of Robotic Rehabilitation Therapy and Patient Wishes (10th Prometheus Colloquium) hk2022 2024-04-15 10
5 Caring and Education in the Age of Advanced Medicine (Joint Academic Conference) hk2022 2024-03-27 7
4 Climate Crisis, Body Crisis (Joint Academic Conference) hk2019 2024-03-27 9
3 The Korean War and Post-war Reconstruction in Health and Medicine hk2022 2024-03-14 11
2 The Korean War and Medical Care: A History hkimh 2022-09-10 9
1 The 1st International Conference of The HK+ Institute for Integrated Medical Humanities_Epidemic Disease, Then and Now kimhyunsu 2020-10-06 117